Année 2006
- E. Destandau, J. Vial, A. Jardy, M.-C. Hennion, D. Bonnet, P. Lancelin : Robustness study of a reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of carboxylic acids in industrial reaction mixtures, Anal. Chim. Acta 572 (2006) 102-112
- Lenoir S, Ten-Hage L, Turquet J, Quod JP , Hennion MC : Characterisation of new analogues of palytoxin isolated from an Ostreopsis mascarenensis bloom in the south-western Indian Ocean, Afric. J. Marine Science, 28 (2006) 389-391
- A. Adenier, C. Combellas, F. Kanoufi, J. Pinson, F. I. Podvorica : Formation of polyphenylene films on metal electrodes by electrochemical reduction of benzenediazonium salts, Chem. Mater., 18 (2006) 2021-2029
- JM. Busnel, S. Descroix, D. Godfrin, MC. Hennion, G. Peltre : Loading capacity of carrier ampholytes based buffers in capillary electrophoresis, Electrophoresis. 27 (2006) 563-571
- F. Progent, V. Augustin, N.T. Tran, S. Descroix, M. Taverna : Selection of two reliable parameters to evaluate the impact of the mobile phase composition on capillary electrochromatography performance with monolithic and particle-packed capillary columns, Electrophoresis 27 (2006) 757-767
- JM. Busnel, S. Descroix, T. Le Saux, S. Terabe, MC. Hennion, G. Peltre : Protein tryptic digests analysed by carrier ampholytes based capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Electrophoresis 27 (2006) 1481-1488
- JM Busnel, S Descroix, D. Godfrin, MC. Hennion, V. Ka i ka, G. Peltre : Transient isotachophoresis in carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis for protein analysis, Electrophoresis, 27 (2006) 3591-3598
- Sebastiano R, Simo C, Mendieta ME, Antonioli P, Citterio A, Cifuentes A, Peltre, Righetti PG : Mass distribution and focusing properties of carrier ampholyte for isoelectric focusing. I Novel and nonexpected results, Electrophoresis, 27 (2006) 3919-3934.
- M. E. Mendieta, P. Antonioli, PG Righetti, A. Citterio, S. Descroix, R. Sebastiano : Effect of barium tetraborate on the separation of tryptic digests of proteins by zone electrophoresis in uncoated capillaries, Electrophoresis, 27 (2006) 4016-4024
- Simo C, Mendieta ME, Antonioli P, Sebastiano R, Citterio A, Cifuentes A, Peltre G, Righetti PG : Mass distribution, polydispersity and focusing properties of carrier ampholyte for IEF. pH 4-6 intervals, Electrophoresis, (2006) 27, 4849-58.
- Motta A C, Marliere M, Peltre G, Steerenberg P A, Lacroix G : Traffic-related air pollutants induce the release of allergen-containing cytoplasmic granules from grass pollen, Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2006, 139, 294-298.
- P. Antonioli, M.E. Mendieta, R. Sebastiano, A. Citterio, G. Peltre, J.M. Busnel, S. Descroix, G. Candiano and P.G. Righetti : Quasi-isoelectric buffers for protein analysis in a fast alternative to conventional capillary zone electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr. B, 833 (2006) 19-25
- C. Combellas, F. Kanoufi, D. Mazouzi : Surface Modification of Halogenated Polymers. 9. Etching of Polytetrafluoroethylene with the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope, J. Electroanal. Chem., 589 (2006) 243-248
- F. Kanoufi, C. Combellas, H. Hazimeh, J-M. Mattalia, C. Marchi-Delapierre, M. Chanon : Alkyl halides reactions with cathodes or with magnesium.Grignard reagent studied with radical clocks, what is the step competing with the isomerization of the intermediate radical ?, J. Phys. Org. Chem. 19 (2006) 847-866
- S. Le Moullec, A. Begos, V. Pichon, B. Bellier : Selective extraction of organophosphorus nerve agent degradation products by molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction, J Chromatogr. A, 1108 (2006) 7-13
- Sebastiano R, Simo C, Mendieta ME, Antonioli P, Citterio A, Cifuentes A, Peltre, Righetti PG : Mass distribution and focusing properties of carrier ampholyte for isoelectric focusing. I Novel and nonexpected results, Electrophoresis, 27 (2006) 3919-3934.
- M. E. Mendieta, P. Antonioli, PG Righetti, A. Citterio, S. Descroix, R. Sebastiano : Effect of barium tetraborate on the separation of tryptic digests of proteins by zone electrophoresis in uncoated capillaries, Electrophoresis, 27 (2006) 4016-4024
- Simo C, Mendieta ME, Antonioli P, Sebastiano R, Citterio A, Cifuentes A, Peltre, Righetti PG : Mass distribution, polydispersity and focusing properties of carrier ampholyte for IEF. pH 4-6 intervals, Electrophoresis, (2006) 27, 4849-58.
- Motta A C, Marliere M, Peltre G, Steerenberg P A, Lacroix G : Traffic-related air pollutants induce the release of allergen-containing cytoplasmic granules from grass pollen, Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2006, 139, 294-298
- P. Antonioli, M.E. Mendieta, R. Sebastiano, A. Citterio, G. Peltre, J.M. Busnel, S. Descroix, G. Candiano and P.G. Righetti : Quasi-isoelectric buffers for protein analysis in a fast alternative to conventional capillary zone electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr. B, 833 (2006) 19-25
- C. Combellas, F. Kanoufi, D. Mazouzi : Surface Modification of Halogenated Polymers. 9. Etching of Polytetrafluoroethylene with the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope, J. Electroanal. Chem., 589 (2006) 243-248.
- F. Kanoufi, C. Combellas, H. Hazimeh, J-M. Mattalia, C. Marchi-Delapierre, M. Chanon : Alkyl halides reactions with cathodes or with magnesium.Grignard reagent studied with radical clocks, what is the step competing with the isomerization of the intermediate radical ?, J. Phys. Org. Chem. 19 (2006) 847-866
- S. Le Moullec, A. Begos, V. Pichon, B. Bellier : Selective extraction of organophosphorus nerve agent degradation products by molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction, J Chromatogr. A, 1108 (2006) 7-13
- V. Augustin, A. Jardy, P. Gareil and M.-C. Hennion : In situ synthesis of monolithic stationary phases for electrochromatographic separations : Study of polymerization conditions, J. Chromatogr. A 1119 (2006) 80-87
- C. Maisonnette, P.Simon, M. C. Hennion, V.Pichon : Selective immunoclean-up followed by liquid chromatography for the monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon metabolites in urine at the ng.l-1 level, J. Chromatogr. A, 1120 (2006) 185-193.
- D. Thiébaut, J. Vial, M. Michel, M.-C. Hennion, T. Greibrokk : Evaluation of reversed phase columns designed for polar compounds and porous graphitic carbon in "trapping" and separating neurotransmitters, J. Chromatogr. A, 1122 (2006) 97-104.
- J. Deplagne, J. Vial, V. Pichon, B. Lalère, G. Hervouêt, M.-C. Hennion : Feasibility study of a reference material for water chemistry : long term stability of triazine and phenylurea residues stored in vials or on polymeric sorbents, J. Chromatogr. A 1123 (2006) 31-37.
- K.El Mrabet, M. Poitevin, J. Vial, V. Pichon, S. Amarouche, G. Hervouet, B. Lalere : An interlaboratory study to evaluate potential matrix reference materials for herbicides in water, J. Chromatogr. A 1134 (2006) 151-161.
- F. Chapuis, J.-U. Mullot, G. Tuffal, M.-C. Hennion, V. Pichon : Molecularly imprinted polymers for the clean-up of a basic drug from environmental and biological samples, J. Chromatogr. A 1135 (2006) 127-134.
- R. Ruiz−Guerrero, C. Vendeuvre, D. Thiébaut, F. Bertoncini, D. Espinat : Comparison of Comprehensive Two−Dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled with Sulfur−Chemiluminescence Detector to Standard Methods for Speciation of Sulfur Containing Compounds in Middle Distillates, J. Chromatogr. Sci. 44 (2006) 566-573
- V. Pichon and K. Haupt : Affinity Separations on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers with special emphasis on solid-phase extraction, J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol., 29 (2006) 989-1023