Conférence à l’ESPGG : Chimie analytique et...

Conférence à l’ESPGG : Analytical chemistry and odours : Can the olfactory imprint confuse a suspect ?

Jérôme VIAL, ESPCI Paris
Vincent CUZUEL, Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale

Modern analytical techniques, in particular two-dimensional chromatography, allow the separation of chemical constituents of complex mixtures and the study of the olfactory imprint automatic line feed back.
This olfactory imprint is intended to become a new tool for the forensic police in their investigations.

Indeed, with the popularization of classic investigation techniques (seen in films and TV series) criminals have become more and more cautious and it is now becoming difficult to find fingerprints or DNA at certain crime scenes. However, what they will never be able to mask is their smell. We managed to sample that smell. We validated this sampling thanks to the dogs, and we could analyze it thanks to two-dimensional chromatography. An adapted statistical treatment is now essential to be able to use this trace.


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Key publications

R. Klein, J. Dugay, J. Vial, D. Thiebaut, G. Colombet, D. Barreteau, G. Gruntz : Hyphenation of thermodesorption into GC × GC-TOFMS for odorous (...) 

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Research objectives of analytical chemists are strongly dependant on asks from the society. In many areas (health, drug design, food safety, (...) 

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