3- International oral communications
Archives 2012-2018
- E. Boudard, N. Moumane, J. Dugay, I. Rivals, J. Vial, D. Thiebaut : Body volatolome, from sampling to understanding : a promising solution for health monitoring, ISC 2024, 6-10 Octobre 2024, Liverpool (Angleterre).
- R. Klein, C. Gautier, C. Colin, E. Laporte, J. Vial, C. Chendo : Separation, detection and speciation of five chelating agents in complex radioactive effluents with high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry, ISC 2024, 6-10 Octobre 2024, Liverpool, (Angleterre).
- S. Bouras, J. Vial, D. Thiebaut, C. Serre, A. Tissot : Tunable MOF platform for chiral chromatography, 9th Eu ChemS, 7-11 juillet 2024, Dublin (Irlande).
- E. Boudard, N. Moumane, J. Dugay, I. Rivals, J. Vial, D. Thiébaut : Body volatolome sampling : deciphering the matrix for improved health monitoring, ISOEN 2024, 12-15 Mai 2024, Grapevine, Texas (USA) - Prix de la meilleure présentation industrielle.
- A. Legendre, S. Bsaibes, D. Thiebaut, J. Dugay, D. Ballestas Castro, L. Cuccia, C. Paijens, J. Vial : The challenges of raw renewable gas sampling for the analysis of trace organic compounds, Gaz Analysis 2024, 30 janvier-1er Février 2024, Paris (France).
- E. Boudard , N. Moumane, J. Dugay, J. Vial, D. Thiebaut, I. Rivals : How to avoid the pitfalls of intraindividual variability and sampling environment contaminations?, 15th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop, 10-12 Janvier 2024, Los Angeles (USA).
- L. Furno, J. Vial, D. Thiebaut, A. Combes, A. Méré, N. Passade-Boupat : Study and characterization of corrosion inhibitors used in the oil industry by liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry, HPLC 2023, 18-22 juin 2023, Düsseldorf (Allemagne).
- X. Chen, N. Merino, L. Furno, S. Couvreur, C. Chendo, J.Vial, D. Thiebaut : Nano supercritical fluid chromatography on micro pillar arrow column – electron ionisation mass spectrometry: the pros and the cons, HPLC 2023, 18-22 juin 2023, Düsseldorf (Allemagne).
- A. Legendre, S. Bsaibes, D. Thiébaut, J. Dugay, C. Paijens, D. Ballestas Castro, L. Cuccia, J. Vial : Characterization by TD-GCxGC-TOFMS of Volatile Organic Impurities at trace level in raw renewable gases, 20th International GCxGC Symposium, 28 mai-1er juin 2023, Canmore (Canada).
- E. Boudard, J. Dugay, I. Rivals, J. Vial, D. Thiebaut : Body odor-based healthcare monitoring : Why analytical detection is more demanding than canine detection, 20th International GCxGC Symposium, 28 mai-1er juin 2023, Canmore (Canada).
- N. Delaunay, A. Goumenou, A. Combes, C. Chendo, V. Pichon : Evaluation of affinity-based sorbents and development of liquid chromatography - high resolution mass spectrometry for the characterization of a glycoprotein, the human chorionic gonadotropin, at the intact scale, Analytics 2022, 5-8 septembre, Nantes (France)
- A. Legendre, C. De Saint Jores, J. Dugay, D. Vorin, N. David, C. Dussenne, D. Ballestas, L. Cuccia, S. Bsaibes, J. Vial : Characterization by TD-GCxGC-TOFMS of Volatile Organic Impurities in renewable gases produced by Pyrogasification and Methanation, Gaz Analysis 2022, 17-20 Mai 2022, Villepinte (France).
- M. Boudias, A. Gourgiotis, C. Cazala, V. Pichon, N. Delaunay : Assessment of ion imprinted polymers technology for the design of a new radium specific solid phase extraction support, 23th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2021, E-congress), 30 June-2 July 2021
- K. Bouchouareb, A. Combes, V. Pichon : Parallel Artificial Liquid Membrane Extraction of organophosphorus nerve agent degradation products from environmental samples, 23th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2021, E-congress), 30 June-2 July 2021
- N. Delaunay, P. Cao, A. Combès, V. Pichon : Potential of imprinted polymers for selective extraction of target molecules and metal ions from complex samples, 23th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2021, E-congress), 30 June-2 July 2021
- A. Goumenou, A. Al Matari, A. Combes, C. Chendo, V. Pichon, N. Delaunay : Evaluation of different lectin-based sorbents for the extraction of the isoforms of human chorionic gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone, The 15th International Symposium on Biochromatography and Nanoseparations (SBCN 2021, Virtual conference) First prize winner of the : VIJI AWARD SBCN 2021
- A. Al Matari, A. Combès, T. Fournier, J. Guibourdenche, V. Pichon, N. Delaunay : Identification and semi-quantification of glycoforms by nano-LC-Orbitrap-MS analysis of intact proteins: application to the α- subunit of follicular stimulating hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin, XX Euroanalysis Conference (Euroanalysis 2019), 1-5 Septembre 2019, Istanbul (Turquie) 1st place amgen pharmaceuticals young scientist oral presentation award
- M. Boudias, N.A. Fall, A. Gourgiotis, C. Cazala, V. Pichon, N. Delaunay : Potential of ion-imprinted polymers for studying migration of radioactive contaminants (226Ra, 137Cs) in environment, XX Euroanalysis Conference (Euroanalysis 2019), 1-5 Septembre 2019, Istanbul (Turquie) Flash Poster, 1er prix
- F. Hallez, A. Combès, C. Desoubries, A. Bossée, V. Pichon : Development of an immobilized-trypsin reactor coupled to liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the analysis of long-lived adducts of sulfur mustard with hemoglobin in blood samples, XX Euroanalysis Conference (Euroanalysis 2019), 1-5 Septembre 2019, Istanbul (Turquie)
- D. Assad, A.C. Acevedo, H. Chardin, V. Pichon, E. Guerra, A. Combès : Metabolomics approach for identification of saliva biomarkers of breast cancers, 48th International Symposium on High-Performance-Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2019), 16 – 20 Juin 2019, Milan (Italie)
- F. Hallez, A. Combès, C. Desoubries, A. Bossée, V. Pichon : Development of an immobilized-trypsin reactor coupled to liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry for the analysis of long-lived adducts of sulfur mustard with hemoglobin in blood samples, 3rd International Conference CBRNE - Research & Innovation, 20 - 23 Mai, Nantes (France)